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I’ve been finding things challenging for the last few weeks…I could go into details and, suffice it to say, things have not been going as I had planned and I seem to be spinning even more plates than usual…and some of them not by choice!

Funnily enough, talking with other friends, they seem to be experiencing similar challenges right now – feeling a little lost, overwhelmed, not sure of direction or even purpose.

This week, this has all been put into perspective for me.

My very great friend and mentor, together with her gorgeous family, have had their world thrown into chaos due to the fires which have raged through Sonoma county in the States. They have had to gather up a few belongings, rescue their cats and evacuate their beloved home.

They have spent this week in a hotel 90 minutes from their home, in a state of uncertainty.

My friend is doing whatever she can to support her family as well as her friends and neighbours, at the same time as not knowing whether or not their own home is safe.

She is one of the many people who inspire me to be better, to do more and to reflect on what is REALLY important in life.

Yes, I may have lost my way a bit and I’m not quite sure which plates are going to demand my attention today…all these things are just things and I am sure many of us deal with them every day!

AND today, I am so grateful that this is all I have to worry about.

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